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5 High Impact, Wallpapered Powder Rooms


Powder rooms are a great place to make a big design impact.

A few reasons why :

1. They are tiny (less surface, means less $$ and less work), so you can splurge on a luxury wallpaper or finishes and it wont hurt your wallet nearly as much as a larger space would.

2. They are self-contained. Whoever told you that every room in the house needs to match is full of baloni. Powder rooms are a great place to introduce a totally bold new look and colour, because its not a space you see from other spaces, especially since typically most people make a point of keeping washroom doors shut.

3. You're not in there all the time (or at least we hope not...), so you are less likely to get sick of it. As much as we love it, statement wallpaper can be tricky in a big space like a kitchen or living room because you are always in there. Its easy to get sick of something fast in those rooms (for example our never ending throw pillow renewal problem), and when you do get sick of it its an expensive, arduous change.

Treat it like a like jewel of a place and go bold, go bright in your next powder room reno.

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