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Hotel Tour: Inside Paris' Newly Renovated Ritz


The restored staircase is jaw-dropping!

Their uber chic pool seemed like a great way to close the post....

This Parisian architectural gem, which originally opened its doors in 1898, has just undergone a four year restoration and refreshing, and is now ready for business The brand Ritz is synonymous with luxury, exquisite detail, amazing food, and great guest services. However, its hard to deny its Paris digs' historic importance when you're having a drink at their bar Hemingways (named after the famous author for being one of his favourite stops), lunch with the ladies at l'Espadon, climb the beautiful marble steps of its grand clerestory stairwell, and sleep amongst art treasures in one of its apartements dreaming of the many greats who likely slept pin that same spot before you (just to name a few: Coco Chanel, Marcel Proulst, Chopin...).

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